About the Founder

I have a passion for automation, but the more I see those around me struggle just to have enough time (and I with my boys) has driven me to attempt (perhaps vainly) to take up the mantle and lay out a foundation so that robots can help us get a little more done.

I believe long term, an open source or source available solution in this space will be inevitable.

I remain skeptical of the commercial sector’s ability to launch a sustainable product, and I think if we’re going to let home robotics roam around our pets, our elderly family members, and our children, security and scrutiny of how a robot makes decisions and how it can behave in a safe manner will be paramount. To me this is most readily achieved in a source-available space.

To an extent, it is hypocritical for me to take on this effort in the name of creating free time, when this will invariably be a time-sink, but I’m leaning on bias of a long-term outlook here, where the long term benefits of the fruit of this project (basically, a robot that can help me, my wife, my kids, and others around the house) would outweigh the time-cost now.