About Gilbert


Gilbert is a fledgling effort to contain a full source-available robotic software deployment, such that it -as a software package- could be deployed to various robot frames which would operate as whole-house service robots. Ideally to take on household or business chores, cleanup, event decoration, cooking, laundry, and the plethora of other daily tasks that consume our time and the time of those we love.

You may have noticed I indicated this as source-available, not open source. This is something that warrants more consideration. Full open-source is by far the simplest approach, but my long-term fear would be multiple robotic frames all copying and customizing this code-base for their own needs before finally bundling in their own proprietary deployment for their specific hardware target. I realize there are other license restrictions, but I would prefer a license that implements a usage fee only when the using organization is producing a commercial product and selling more than something like $10M USD hardware per year that relies on Gilbert’s software package. (Something akin to the Unreal license)

This way large commercial products that use this solution set would be obligated to support the project, but personal / hobby / small business use would be unaffected.

Feedback on this topic is welcome, as - in my opinion - it must be established before the code is made available in its entirety so that others are able to contribute.

For details and tools specific to AuroLeap in general, visit the AuroLeap Development Tools section

What is listed below is my current trajectory for this project, but all details are negotiable. All feedback is welcome.

Operating System


High Speed data transfer

ROS2 data transfer module

Rendering engine support


Audio language processing


Camera / light sensing self-orientation
